Material hire
Recognised student initiatives can borrow the listed items free of charge for student events from the Student Council's material hire service.
Important information and conditions for the material rental
- Only materials for which there is a corresponding request in the system will be issued. This also applies to StuRa events!
- Material will only be issued to the person requesting it with proof of identity (or an authorised third person).
- The required material must be requested at least 2 weeks before the event.
- A deposit of 25 euros is payable for borrowing through initiatives.
- The agreed times for lending and return must be strictly adhered to!
With your request you accept the above conditions.
If you have any questions, please use the following e-mail
>> To the material hire service
Latest news
Öffentliche Ausschreibung Referat Bewegliche Dinge des StuRa/Materialien 2024
Posted in Announcements, Materialverleih, Referat Bewegliche Dinge des StuRa/Materialien on Feb 07, 2024
Öffentliche Ausschreibung
Referat Bewegliche Dinge des StuRa/Materialien
Das Referat Bewegliche Dinge des StuRa/Materialien sucht ab sofort bis Oktober 2024:
- Referent_in
Die Aufgabe des neu eingerichteten Referates ist die Verwaltung der vorwiegend für Veranstaltungen nutzbaren Gegenstände des Student_innenrats, wie Pavillions, Biertischgarnituren, Getränkekocher uvm. Dazu zählt u. A. Ausleihe, Instandhaltung und Beschaffung der Materialien.
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